Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Top Tips for Putting Shelves up Perfect First Time

As anyone who’s ever been tasked with the chore of putting up shelves will know, things don’t always go to plan. You start out all confident, well ‘how hard can it be?’, then thanks to lost screws, a misplaced spirit level, the person you’ve roped in to help you not doing their fair share of the work and so on and so on, suddenly you’ve lost a whole day to putting up one shelf (and still it’s not finished). If you’d rather get things right the first time, read on for our top tips to ensure you do…

1. Assemble the tools for the job

Whether you’re putting up longspan shelving in a UK warehouse, or floating shelves in your holiday home in France, get one thing straight from the off – gather all your tools before you start the job.

cloakroom lockers
2. Check for pipes and cables

If you’ve found the perfect place for your shelves, make sure there are no wires or pipes concealed in the wall. This is particularly important – no one wants a nasty shock when they hammer into a cable.

3. Mark where you want it to go

This is like the practice run. Before you go hammering straight into the wall, put your shelves up to the wall and mark where you’d like them to go. It can be helpful if someone else can do this for you – or at least stand back and help you get it to the right level.

4. Check it’s Level

Once you’ve made your mark as to where you want the shelf to go, check the shelf will be level when it’s up. You can do this by using a spirit level – much better than relying solely on eyesight as there’s no margin for error.

5. Drill

You can now go ahead and drill into the wall – for masonry walls you will need to use wall plugs to ensure the screws have something to ‘grip’ to.

6. Screw your Brackets

This is when things start to take shape – once your holes are in the wall you can now screw your brackets into place. Make sure they’re level before you go ahead and add your shelf.

longspan shelving uk

With so many different styles of shelving available, make sure you buy the right type for your needs. For instance, if you’re storing bulky items you’ll need longspan shelving UK made is best. If it’s just shelving for little trinkets that don’t weigh much you can take your pick from all sorts of shelving styles. You could even use sheets of funky-coloured acrylic to create a shelf (just don’t pile them up with too much stuff!)

Putting up shelving doesn’t have to be a DIY catastrophe. Just remember, if this is the first time putting up shelves, try to do it when you’re feeling calm and un-rushed. Do it when you’ve got plenty of daylight too so you can see what you’re doing clearly, and always try and ask someone for help if you’re not sure. If you follow these simple steps you should have your shelving up in no time.

To get more information about Cloakroom Lockers visit our website.


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